Who We Are

The Pacific Ink & Art Expo ("PIAE") aka the Hawaii Tattoo Expo is regarded as one of the best tattoo shows in the USA if not on the planet. Famed and visionary artists of all styles and from diverse cultural backgrounds come to Hawaii every year to showcase, share with and learn from one another, in a venue which promotes loyalty, family, friendship and prosperity.

Our show prides itself on being a "culture first" event in which our Polynesian heritage is our core. On display throughout our 3-day festival, you will experience, and witness firsthand ancient traditional tattooing known as kakau (in the Hawaiian style) (ka, “to strike,” and kau, “to place upon”) and tatau (Samoan “tattoo”.) You will also hear music and see dance performances customary and traditional to our island culture and spiritual practices.

Established for and by tattooists, enthusiasts and tattoo collectors, our Expo understands the needs, wants and wishes of our fellow artists and cultural practitioners. Stated more directly, so much attention to detail goes into creating our exceptional show, and everyone involved appreciates the effort.

The 2024 Hawaii Tattoo Expo allows all who attend to experience the true Hawaiian exchange of love and aloha. It's the feeling of Ohana (“family” in the Hawaiian language). You become more than just a person in a booth or a visitor at our show. We know all our artists and value their talents and passion, and we love getting to know our vendors, our exhibitors, our patrons and their families, and we look forward to their return every August. There is a reason our Expo is quickly "sold out" each and every year. It's the place to be. No joke!

Our visitors who come to share and collect INK & ART get to experience so many incredible and exciting things each day of our 3-day Expo. From celebrities, skate ramps, live music, hula, comedy, getting tattooed, a keiki (“kids”) zone, exceptional local food, unique items from our vendors, tattoo & food contests and so much more, to include our famed PIAE MERCH booths. There is very little that we leave out and the value far exceeds the ticket price. There is simply no tattoo show anywhere which is anything as "value added" as what you get to experience at our show.

To top off the total PIAE experience of our 3 day weekend, we always throw an artist appreciation BBQ at a stunning island location which allows the artists to enjoy one last day with one another and our dedicated PIAE 'Ohana. At our BBQ, everything is complimentary; food, drinks, entertainment and a bus/shuttle ride to and from the hotel to the beach (you always have the option to bring your own grinds and drive yourself, or cab or ride share to the location.) We are truly honored to be the destination and experience you choose to visit every year and we humbly say MAHALO for all your support.

The P.I.A.E. Group, LLC does not and has not authorized and/or licensed and/or permitted and/or approved and/or granted any person(s) or company or entity of any and every kind, without limitation, to use any of its duly registered trade names, and any & all such trade names owned/held by The P.I.A.E Group, LLC are protected & reserved pursuant to any & all applicable laws, rules & regulations. (See, DCCA, SoH file no. 118064 C5).

REGISTERED LLC & TRADE NAMES The P.I.A.E Group, LLC is registered @ DCCA, SoH (file no. 118064 C5) & owns/holds these Trade Names @ DCCA, SoH: Pacific Ink & Art Expo (cert. no. 4225494), Hawaii Tattoo Expo (cert. no. 4225484), Hawaii Tattoo Expo Honolulu (cert. no. 4282874), Hawaii Tattoo Expo Maui (cert. no. 4234399), Hawaii Tattoo Expo Oahu (cert. no. 4282875) & Hawaii Tattoo Expo Waikiki (cert. no. 4282876) (all applicable rights reserved & registered).

Please join us at the Hawaii Tattoo Expo for our 10th Show!!!


Experience artists of all styles and cultural backgrounds, get tattooed, taste local food, enjoy music, support food & merchandise vendors, watch on stage performances, buy PIAE MERCH and more!

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Get to know the people behind The PIAE Group, who they are, and what they do to make this event possible!

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Take a walk down memory lane and view our iconic PIAE posters and artwork created by some of the most talented artists from Hawaii and around the world.

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