Tattoo Contest

List of 2025 Tattoo Contests by Day coming soon!!!

As is traditional and wildly popular at every “top shelf” Tattoo Expo, our P.I.A.E. ‘Ohana stages numerous Tattoo contests each day of our 3-day Expo. Want to show off your finest and most bad ass tattoo artwork? Want to compete against the best of the best? This is a chance day after day to have your work judged by some of the most formidable & most famous tattoo artists all of whom are appearing & tattooing throughout our 3-day Expo. Our wildly popular contests are held on the Main Center Stage to huge crowds several times a day throughout our 3-day Expo. Entry Fee is $10. The maximum number of contestants is usually no more than 12-15, and it’s always smart to sign-up (in person only) & pay very early to insure a spot and the opportunity to join in on the fun. Checkout the Main Stage Entertainment/Merchandise booth (at the vibrant P.I.A.E. pop-up tent) for all the exciting details and REGISTER to ENTER.

Here's a list of Prizes to be gifted to our Winners:

DAILY TATTOO Contests: Trophy for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place.

BEST TATTOO of THE DAY: 1st Place - Trophy for Artist and Canvas, Custom Tattoo Machine created by AK Irons, Gift Certificate for one P.I.A.E Merch Item of his/her choice.
Trophy for 2nd and 3rd place.

BEST TATTOO of EXPO: 1st Place - Trophy for Artist and Canvas, Custom Necklace created by Zhushi, from Cam Supply (Legend Limitless Tattoo Machine, Legend Cartridge Needles, Tatwax Prep & Glide products, Gorilla Aftercare wrap and 30-color ink set by Amazing Colors), Gift Certificate for one P.I.A.E Merch Item of his/her choice.
Trophy for 2nd and 3rd place.

2024 Friday Tattoo Contests

6:45pm - Best SMALL COLOR Tattoo (5" or smaller)
7:15pm - Best LARGE COLOR Tattoo
10:30pm - Best TATTOO OF THE DAY (Must be done at the Expo and done on this day)

2024 Saturday Tattoo Contests

12:00pm - Best LETTERING Tattoo
1:30pm - Best BLACK and GRAY (any size) Tattoo
4:00pm - Best JAPANESE INFLUENCE Tattoo
4:45pm - Best SLEEVE (Themed Arm or Leg) Tattoo
6:00pm - Best TRIBAL/POLYNESIAN Tattoo
8:30pm - Best BACK or BODY SUIT Tattoo
10:30pm - Best TATTOO OF THE DAY (Must be done at the Expo and done on this day)

2024 Sunday Tattoo Contests

2:00pm - Best PORTRAIT (with photo) Tattoo
2:30pm - Best TRADITIONAL Tattoo
4:30pm - Best TATTOO OF THE DAY (Must be done at the Expo and done on this day)
5:00pm - BEST of SHOW (Must be done at the Expo and can be done the same day or multiple days)