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We take pride in featuring the best tattoo artists from around the world, from every mainland state and the absolute finest tattooers our island state has to offer. Browse and talk story with hundreds of local and international artists, including traditional practitioners, legendary tattoo artists, celebrity artists from hit TV shows like Ink Masters, LA Ink, NY Ink, Tattoo Nightmares, Bondi Ink and many more. You can now use our PIAE search feature to discover artists who best represent the style of tattoo(s) you are looking to collect, and book your appointments directly with each artist. Enjoy!
Attending: If you are an attending 2025 artist and you don’t see yourself listed, use the button below to submit your photos and artist information so we can add you to our website.
Megan Massacre
Owner/Tattooer at GritNGlory Tattoo & Clothing. Megan has appeared on TLC’s ‘America’s Worst Tattoos’, ‘NY Ink’, and Fuse’s ‘Bondi Ink Tattoo’.
View Full BioBig Gus
Big Gus, a Los Angeles native, is a tattoo artist and the host of Spike TV’s hit TV show, ‘Tattoo Nightmares.’
View Full BioMonk
Tattoo artist with Cam Supply. Monk specializes in traditional Chinese painting style tattoos, Japanese traditional & realistic tattoos.
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Mikhail Andersson
Tattoo artist with Ohana Organics. Owner/Tattooer at First Class Tattoo in New York. Mikhail is an internationally published artist. He has mastered the art of color realism.
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